2024 United Association Apprentice Contest
The United Association holds their National Apprentice Competition during the Instructor Training Program week at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI. The competition features Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, Sprinkler fitters, Service Technicians and Welders.

March 2nd: UA Local Contest - LU75, Madison
On Saturday, March 2nd, we held our local contest, inviting all eligible 3rd, 4th and 5th year apprentices interested in representing Local 75 at the Wisconsin Pipe Trades Association state apprentice contest. We were excited to have eight apprentices step up to the challenge: Luke Berndt (4th yr, Horner Plumbing Co Inc), Justin Bristol (4th yr, HJ Pertzborn Plbg & Fire Protection), Shawn Cummins Jr (3rd yr, Cornerstone One LLC), Matthew Hall (5th yr, Maverick Mechanicals LLC), Derek Krahn (4th yr, Horner Plumbing Co Inc), Jeromy Kruse (5th yr, Hooper Corp), Dale Marriott Jr (4th yr, JF Ahern Co) & Joseph Shallow (4th yr, Roman Electric Plbg & Htg).
The local contest consisted of a written exam primarily based on general plumbing knowledge, along with a small practical project that is based on pipe joining methods and layout skills, focusing on quality and accuracy of work. The apprentice with the highest averaged score continues on to compete at the WPTA State Contest. After a tight competition, Luke Berndt placed 3rd, Justin Bristol placed 2nd and JOSEPH SHALLOW came out the winner!
May 1-2nd: WPTA State Contest - LU75, Madison
At the State Contest, an apprentice from each WI UA Local and trade discipline competes for the privilege to represent Wisconsin at the district competition. They will take part in a trade specific and general knowledge written exam and a series of practical exams specific to their trade. After two days of rigorous competition, the winners are announced and begin to prepare for the next level.
June 10-14th: UA District 4 Contest - LU33, Des Moines, IA
District 4 of the United Association is comprised of 11 States: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Hosted at one Local in the District, this contest is like the WI State contest with more rigorous tests and practical projects, more contestants to compete against, and more representatives supporting the contest. Again, these contestants are the best of the best – there are no losers, only those that will represent at the nationals in Ann Arbor, Mi.
August 11-16: UA Int'l Contest - Ann Arbor, MI
The National Competition for the Plumbing category consists of 6 contestants, one from each of the 5 Districts and Canada, gathering to showcase their unique skills and knowledge of their craft. This is an indescribable honor to represent your district and compete alongside your UA brothers and sisters. This competition lasts 4 full days; contestants are evaluated with written tests, practical projects and interviews designed to evaluate character, all the while exposing the contestants to the ITP experience: UA instructors from around the nation coming together to learn methods in teaching aspects of their trades and sharing best practices with each other.